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  1. Alevì S.r.l. is aware of the fact that except in the cases provided by Art. 59 of the Italian Consumer Protection Code, Customers who are dissatisfied with products received can exercise the right to cancel provided for by articles 52 to 58, Heading I, Title III, Part III of the same Code. It is in the best interest of Alevì E-Shop that the Customer can exercise said right to cancel under the best possible conditions. 
  2. You can cancel without giving any reasons by just notifying Alevì S.r.l. up to 14 (fourteen) days after receipt of the product at the address specified in the order of your intention to cancel the contract and return the item.
  3. In order to exercise your right to cancel, you can let Alevì S.r.l. know you intend to cancel the contract by providing: the cancellation notice, your personal details and specifying the concerned item. If you wish, you can use the printable form available on the site at in the last section, Annex A.
  4. The cancellation notice must be sent to the following address:   [email protected]
  5. From the date you provide Alevì S.r.l. the cancellation notice you have up to 14 days to send the item you are returning by post or courier service. The product must be sent to the following address:

    Via Bellaria Nuova, 373 – 47030 San Mauro Pascoli (FC), Italy
  1. To return the item you must pay the postage or shipping fee charged by the courier company.
  2. Once you have cancelled an order as described in article 5.5, the items must be returned by registered insured mail, and placed in the original wrapping (boxes, with accessories, tags, protections, etc.) together with the completed delivery note and a copy of the invoice.
  3. In accordance with Art. 54, paragraph 4 of the Italian Consumer Protection Code, the burden of proof of exercise of the right to cancel rests on the Customer. The Customer is also responsible for timely return of the goods. 
  4. In the event of cancellation, you will be refunded all payments made to Alevì S.r.l. for the product cancelled. Alevì S.r.l. has up to 14 days after the date on which it sent confirmation of receipt of the Products returned by the Customer to credit the refund, provided that the conditions stated in point 5.10 of document Terms & Sales Conditions have been met.

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